This is their classic IPA recipe and it's called an "Indie Pale Ale"
A good and affordable beer, or as it says on the label a "Good fresh beer". 7.58% ABV.

A good and affordable beer, or as it says on the label a "Good fresh beer". 7.58% ABV.

This bottle ran me $6 i think, 1Pint + 6 oz.
-Poured out with little to no head, as opposed to the generous head it had on tap last time I tried it.
-Nice Red-Orange color, smells like grapefruit, alcohol and hops at first.
-Good amount of Hops to it, another simple flavor profile. I get things like Mint, 'bitterness', and woodenness immediately with more of a 'bitter' aftertase. Enjoyable and refreshing.
-It reminds me of a standard English IPA, not too flashy... but everything is done right.
I dig it, but I'm not gonna run around calling it something special or out of the ordinary:
8.5 out of 10